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New Applicants

Registered Users

If you do not remember your user ID and Password click here.


Please write down and store your User ID and Password in a safe place. You will not be able to access your application if you log out and do not remember this information.

Please write down your hint question and answer and provide an active email address in your application. Your password will be sent to that email address if you forget your password.

If you are a new applicant and are interested in applying for a position with the Taylor ISD, please follow the simple steps below. Our online application "wizard" will walk you through the process step-by-step. A navigation bar will be displayed along the left side of all screens and will keep you informed of your progress.

  • The current page will be highlighted.
  • As you complete each page, that page label will be annotated with a "checkmark" icon.
  • Incomplete pages will be annotated with a "checkmark & pen" icon.

You may also use the navigation bar at the left of the screen to quickly jump to specific sections of the online application. However, the data you enter on each page of this online application will only be saved when you click the "CONTINUE" button at the bottom of each page. If you jump to the navigation bar before completing a page, any information you have entered on that page will NOT be saved.

Click on this icon if you need more space while typing.

1. Register - Create an Account

Registering allows you to establish your User ID and Password. Once your account has been created, you can complete the Online Application, or you may leave the site and return later to update the details of your application, add attachments, and view your submitted applications.

2. Complete Online Application

After creating your account, our online application “wizard" will guide you through the steps of completing your application.

  • This process will take about 30 minutes for most applicants.
  • You do not have to complete it in one sitting.
  • Once you have completed the Registration process, we will save your incomplete application and you may exit this online application and return to complete it at a later time. Note: incomplete applications will only be saved for 72 hours.
  • Some fields are optional, some are required to proceed from one page to the next page (marked with an asterisk), and a few others are required before you can "submit" your application. You may want to gather this information before you begin.
  • Certifications & Endorsements (level, subject area, dates)
  • Education History (institutions, degrees, dates)
  • Work History (institutions, positions, dates, etc.)
  • Professional references (name and contact information)

If you have further questions or comments, please contact us at:

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